Articles in review and pre-prints▲
Legros M, Barrett LG.
DriverSEAT: A spatially-explicit stochastic modelling framework for the evaluation of gene drives in novel target species.
In review, bioRxiv pre-print doi:
Articles published or in press ▲
Legros M, Marshall JM, Macfadyen S, Hayes KR, Sheppard A, Barrett LG (2021)
Gene drive strategies of pest control in agricultural systems: Challenges and opportunities.
Evolutionary Applications 14(9): 2162-78.

[20-2] Price T, Windbichler N, Unckless R, Sutter A, Runge JN, Ross P, Pomiankowski A, Nuckolls N, Montchamp-Moreau C, Mideo N, Martin O, Manser A,
Legros M,
Larracuente A, Holman L, Godwin J, Gemmell N, Courret C, Buchman A, Barrett L, Lindholm A. (2020)
Resistance to natural and synthetic gene drive systems.
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 33:1345-60.

[20-1] Kumaran N, Choudhary A,
Legros M, Sheppard A, Barrett L, Gardiner D, Raghu S (2020)
Gene technologies in weed management: a technical feasibility analysis.
Curr. Op. Insect Sci., 38:6-14.

[19-2] Barrett LG,
Legros M, Kumaran N, Glassop D, Raghu S, Gardiner D (2019)
Gene drives in plants: opportunities and challenges for weed control and engineered resilience.
Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B, 286:20191515.

[19-1] Boëte C, Seston M,
Legros M (2019)
Strategies of host resistance to pathogens in spatially structured populations: An agent-based evaluation.
Theor. Pop. Biol., 130:170-181.
Legros M.*, Otero M.
*, Aznar V.R., Solari H., Gould F. & Lloyd, A.L. (2016)
Comparison of two detailed models of
Aedes aegypti population dynamics.
Ecosphere 7(10): e01515.
Legros M., Bonhoeffer S. (2016)
Evolution of resistance to antimalarial drugs: a combined within-host and between-hosts modelling framework.
J. Roy. Soc. Interface, 13:20160148.
Legros M., Xu C., Morrison A.C., Scott T.W., Lloyd A.L., Gould F. (2013)
Modeling the dynamics of a non-limited and a self-limited gene drive system in structured
Aedes aegypti populations.
PLoS One 8(12): e83354.
Legros M., Xu C., Okamoto K., Scott T.W., Morrison A.C., Lloyd A.L., Gould F. (2012)
Assessing the feasibility of controlling
Aedes aegypti with transgenic methods: A model-based evaluation.
PLoS One 7(12): e52235.
[12-2] Padmanabha H., Correa F.,
Legros M., Nijhout H.F., Lord C. & Lounibos L.P. (2012)
An eco-physiological model of the impact of temperature on
Aedes aegypti life history traits.
J. Insect Physiol. 58(12): 1597-1608.
[12-1] Robert M.A.,
Legros M., Facchinelli L., Valerio L., Ramsey J.M., Scott T.W., Gould F. & Lloyd A.L. (2012)
Mathematical models as aids for design and interpretation of experiments: The case of transgenic mosquitoes.
J. Med. Entomol. 49(6): 1177-1188.
Legros M., Magori K., Morrison A.C., Xu C., Scott T.W., Lloyd A.L. & Gould F. (2011)
Evaluation of location-specific predictions by a detailed simulation model of
Aedes aegypti populations.
PLoS One, 6(7): e22701.

[11-1] Huang Y., Lloyd A.L.,
Legros M. & Gould F. (2011) Gene-drive into insect populations with
age and spatial structure: a theoretical assessment.
Evol. Appl., 4(3): 415-428.

[10-3] Xu C.,
Legros M., Gould F. & Lloyd A.L. (2010) Understanding uncertainties in model-based
predictions of
Aedes aegypti population dynamics.
PLoS Negl. Trop. Dis., 4(9): e830.

Legros M. & Koella J.C. (2010) Experimental evolution of specialization by a
microsporidian parasite.
BMC Evol. Biol., 10:159.

[10-1] Jongsma M.A., Gould F.,
Legros M., Yang L., van Loon J.J.A. & Dicke M. (2010)
Insect oviposition behavior affects the evolution of adaptation to
Bt crops: consequences for refuge policies.
Evol. Ecol., 24(5): 1017-1030.

Legros M., Lloyd A.L., Huang Y. & Gould F. (2009) Density-dependent intraspecific
competition in the larval stage of
Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae): Revisiting the current paradigm.
J. Med. Entomol., 46(3): 409-419.

[09-2] Magori K.
Legros M.*,
Puente M., Focks D.A., Scott T.W., Lloyd A.L. & Gould F. (2009) Skeeter Buster: a stochastic, spatially-explicit
modeling tool for studying
Aedes aegypti population replacement and population suppression strategies.
PLoS Negl. Trop. Dis. 3(9): e508.

[09-1] Huang Y., Lloyd A.L.,
Legros M. & Gould F. (2009) Gene drive in
age-structured populations.
Evol. Appl., 2(2):143-159.

[08-1] Gould F., Huang Y.,
Legros M. & Lloyd A.L. (2008) A killer-rescue
system for self-limiting gene drive of anti-pathogen constructs.
Proc. R. Soc. B, 275, 2823-9.

[00-1] Fournel S., Huc X., Aguerre-Gire M., Solier C.,
Legros M., Praud-Brethenou C.,
Moussa M., Chaouat G., Berrebi A., Bensussan A., Lenfant F. & Le Bouteiller P. (2000) Comparative reactivity
of different HLA-G monoclonal antibodies to soluble HLA-G molecules,
Tissue Antigens, 55(6) : 510-8.